- Senior Assistant Professor
- PhD, University of Leeds, UK
- MEng, University of Sheffield, UK
- PGCTE, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Teaching areas in SHBIE
- Teaching and learning in the vocational contexts
- Research methodologies in education
Interests, expertise and current research areas
Dr Adeline is interested in exploring workplace learning, development of professionals and the changing nature of professional learning due to, but not limited to, digitalisation of work. She also researches and writes on how individuals transition from education to work, and from one context to another context. She is currently the principal investigator for the research project ‘Improving workplace learning in teacher education’. This is a 2-year project with Dr Desmond Tan, SHBIE funded by UBD Faculty Block Grant. In this research, they draw on socio-cultural theories to explore student teachers’ workplace learning at school placements.
Interested in supervising students in the following areas
Dr Adeline is interested in hearing from prospective students with an interest in conducting research in relation to the workplace learning of professionals.
Selected publications
Journal articles
Goh, A.Y.S. (2019) Rethinking reflective practice in professional learning using learning metaphors. Studies in Continuing Education, 41(1), 1-16.
Goh, A.Y.S. and Zukas, M. (2016). Student vocational teachers: the significance of individual positions in workplace learning, Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 68(2), 263-277.
Goh, A.Y.S. (2015) An individual learning journey: Learning as becoming a vocational teacher, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 34(6), 680-695.
Goh, A.Y.S. (2014). Insights form a Bourdieusian lens: The relationship between college-based and workplace learning in becoming a vocational-technical education teacher in Brunei. Journal of Workplace Learning, 26(1), 22-38.
Goh, A.Y.S (2013). The Significance of Social Relationships in Learning to Become a VTE Teacher: a case study of three individuals. Studies in Continuing Education, 35(3), 366-378.
Book chapters
Tummons, J. and Goh, A.Y.S. (2020) Work and learning in J. Tummons (Ed.) Post compulsory Education and Training: Learning and Teaching in the post-compulsory sector, London: Sage Publishing.
Selected conferences papers
Goh, A.Y.S. (2019) Shifting perspectives: A realistic approach to integrate work-based learning and college-based learning. Paper presented at Journal of vocational and technical education (JVET) conference, University of Oxford, Keble College, UK, 28th -30th June, 2019.
Goh, A.Y.S. (2018) Learning in the work placements: A Bourdieusian approach. Paper presented at 3rd International Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 13th to 15th July, 2018.
Goh, A.Y.S. (2018) Learning through critical reflection: a case of transformative learning in the workplace. Paper presented at Standing Conference On University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults 2018, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, 17th to 19th July, 2018
Goh, A.Y.S. and Tan, D.C.C (2018) The informal learning of student teachers in school placements. Paper presented at Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults 2018, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, 17th to 19th July, 2018.
Further details
Administratively, Dr Adeline was the Programme Leader for Initial Teacher Preparation (MTeach) for 3 years and was also the Deputy Dean (Research) 2018/19. Beyond the faculty, she teaches on the Master of Government Programme at the Centre of Lifelong Learning (C3L) on work-based learning for innovation and change. She has been involved in national and international projects such as the regional TVET teacher standards for ASEAN, TVET teacher training programmes and institutions in the Asia-Pacific region with UNESCO Bangkok and SEAMEO-VOCTECH, Brunei Technical Teacher standard. Currently, she is one of the expert external reviewers for submissions of good practice in vocational technical education to be included on the Regional Knowledge Platform – Sea-vet.net. She had the experience of being the lead consultant for the project: Systems Approach for Better Education Results: Workforce Development (SABER-WfD) with World Bank Organisation.