- Assistant Professor
PhD , The International Islamic University of Malaysia, 2014- MEd, University of Hull, UK, 2002
- BA Primary Education, UBD, Brunei, 1996
Teaching areas in SHBIE
History and MIB Education
Interests, expertise and current research areas
- Teaching Pedagogy in Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) Education
- History Education & Curriculum.
Interested in supervising students in the following areas
- History
- Islamic Education
- Social Studies
- Art & Design Education
Further details
Dr Bakar has teaching experience in various aspects of pedagogy and curriculum studies for the diploma, degree and postgraduate education courses at SHBIE, since joining UBD in 1998. These includes courses such as Methods of Teaching MIB, History, Civics and General Studies, and (currently) modules for both Master of Education (MEd) and Master of Teaching (MTeach) degrees with a particular specialization in Malay Islamic Monarchy (Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB)), History Education, Qualitative Research in Education and School-Based Assessment.
Dr Bakar has held or currently holds the following posts at SHBIE:
- Program Leader of School Partnership
- Chairperson Social Welfare Committee
- Member of Faculty Graduate Studies Committee (FGSC)
- Member of Faculty Assessment Review (FAR)
- Member of Training and Research Team Committee SHBIE and Ministry of Education
- Member of Faculty Team History Syllabus Textbook with the Ministry of Education