- Lecturer
- Ph.D in Curriculum Innovation, Newcastle University, UK, 2014
- M.Ed in Science Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 2002
- Graduate Diploma of Education (Agriculture & Secondary Education), Charles Sturt University, Australia, 1995
- B.Sc (Hons) in Agriculture & Food Science, University of Nottingham, UK, 1993
- National Diploma in Agriculture, SATC, Brunei, 1989
Teaching areas in SHBIE
- Curriculum development in vocational and technical education
- Learning in vocational contexts
- Educational research methodologies
- Qualitative research
- Teaching practice, supervision and seminars
- Research supervision
Interests, expertise and current research areas
Dr Jabaidah is a passionate advocate for agriculture education, and learning by doing through experiences. Her research interests lie in quality and relevant curriculum innovation, key concepts for deeper understanding, threshold concepts, effective pedagogies for VTE teaching-learning, the connection between theory and practice, project-based learning, job-readiness; and employability. To date, she has supervised many research students at master’s level in various learning areas of Vocational-Technical Education including: Health, Safety & Environment, Food Science & Nutrition, Cookery Skills, Nursing, Agriculture & Agro-Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering.
Interested in supervising students in the following areas
- Vocational-Technical Education
- Agriculture education
- Quality and relevant curriculum innovation
- Key concepts for deeper understanding in teaching and learning
- Effective pedagogies for VTE teaching-learning
- Project-based learning
- Employability and job-readiness.
Sample publications and other links
Haji Bungsu, H. J. (2014). Threshold concepts in the learning of agriculture: Quality and relevance for curriculum innovation. International Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, July 9 – 11. Durham University, United Kingdom. Abstract at www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~mflanaga/abstracts/TC14Abstract21.pdf.
Haji Bungsu, H. J. (2014). Threshold Concepts in the Learning of Agriculture: Gearing towards Quality and Relevant Curriculum Innovation. PhD thesis, Newcastle University, UK. Available online at https://theses.ncl.ac.uk/jspui/handle/10443/2761
Hajah Jabaidah binti Haji Bungsu (2003). Problems and issues in secondary agriculture education in Brunei Darussalam, in H. S. Dhindsa, L. S. Bee, P. Achleitner & M. A. (Ken) Clements (Eds.), Studies in Science, Mathematics and Technical Studies (pp. 62-71). Gadong: Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
Hajah Jabaidah binti Haji Bungsu (2002). The Teaching and Learning of Agriculture Education in Secondary Schools in Brunei Darussalam: Problems and Issues. Dissertation. Gadong: Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
Further details
After graduating from the University of Nottingham (UK), Dr Jabaidah was appointed as Education Officer teaching Mathematics, Science and Agriculture subjects in secondary schools. She was subsequently in-charge of the agriculture secondary curriculum at the Curriculum Development Department, before joining Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education at Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Her paper, presented at the 5th International Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, Durham (UK), 2014, entitled Threshold Concepts in the Learning of Agriculture: Quality and Relevance for Curriculum Innovation, signified that Brunei was listed for the first time among the 51 countries in the world that have experts in the area of threshold concepts research communities.