- Assistant Professor
- PhD (Enhancing Digital Literacy skills), King’s College London University of London, UK, 2017
- BA (Education), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 2002
- BTEC HND in Business and Finance (Management), Institut Teknologi Brunei, 1998
Teaching areas in SHBIE
- Technology
- Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK)
- Computer Studies Education
- Design and Technology Education
Interests, expertise and current research areas
Dr Juraidah’s primary research interest is in the area of digital technologies in education. She is particularly interested in the use of digital technologies in the classroom, the learning benefits they may provide and considerations for when and how they are deployed.
Interested in supervising students in the following areas
- Digital Literacy Skills
- Digital Game Based Learning, Casual Games
- e-Learning
- Augmented Reality in Education
- Technology-based pedagogy
Sample publications and other links
Journal Articles
Basar, N., Jawawi, R., Matzin, R., Jaidin, J. H., and Musa, J. (2019). Tourism in Geography through an Inquiry-based approach (IBA). Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) 13 (1). 2019
Jaidin, J.H., Musa, J. & Zainuddin, R. (2017) Investigating the Impact of Game-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Performance When Learning About Earthquake Hazards. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
Musa, J. Adding New Vocabulary While Playing Casual Games: Young People in Brunei as a Case Study (2015). Journal of Management Research.
Conference Papers
Juraidah Hj Musa, Zahari Hamidon & Abdullah Mohd Noor (2009). The Impact of Interface Design in Web-enhanced Course on Students’ Thinking. In Proceedings Seminar Kebangsaan Teknologi dan Inovasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran 2009 (SKTIP 09). Organized by Pusat Pembangunan Akademik (CADe), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Hotel Palm Garden IOI ResortPutrajaya, 28-29 April 2009
Aminatol Norilah binti Haji Abdullah, Juraidah binti Haji Musa & Zahari bin Hamidon (2010). Are Universiti Brunei Darussalam students ready for the m-learning?, Presented at The Global Education Forum 2010, Dubai Feb 2010, organised by UAE Ministry of Education & F & E Ltd. 2010
Juraidah Hj Musa, Zahari Hamidon & Aminatol Norilah Hj Abdullah (2010), M-Learning: The Try-Out Mobile Devices For Learning”, Presented at The Global Education Forum 2010,Dubai Feb 2010, organised by UAE Ministry of Education & F & E Ltd. 2010
Juraidah Hj Musa (2014). Adding New Vocabulary While Playing Casual Games: Young People in Brunei as a Case Study. Global Conference on Business and Social Science. December 2014.
Juraidah Hj Musa. (2017). Using TPACK Framework In Designing Cross Disciplinary Lessons. 7th International Conference on Language Education & Innovation. May 2017
Juraidah Hj Musa. (2018). Using E-Portfolio By Design and Technology Teacher Candidates to Enhance Pedagogy Practices. 2018 ASAIHL Conference. Tokyo. March 2018.
Plenary paper presenter
iLearning: Integrate Digital Technology in Education. 2018 Teacher’s Day Conference. Brunei. 14 November 2018