SHBIE Research and publications
Research lies at the core of SHBIE’s purpose. Faculty members conduct a number of research projects on behalf of the Ministry of Education, as well as on projects of their own instigation, often in collaboration with other faculties in the university or with international universities. SHBIE research is published in major international academic journals, particularly SCOPUS listed publications, and in edited collections. For a list of selected SHBIE publications, click here.
In general terms, SHBIE has three broad ‘research thrusts’, which are considered priority areas. These are:
Initial Teacher Preparation
This relates to research which contributes to enhancing the quality and relevance of SHBIE’s initial teacher preparation programme, and to researching teacher professional development in general. The overall aim is to develop a systematic, evidence-based understanding of the nature, substance and professional impact of student teachers’ learning experiences, particularly within SHBIE’s ITP programmes, with a consequential benefit of producing more effective teachers in Brunei schools.
Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy
This relates to research in the interrelated areas of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment to investigate and apply evidence-based practices that would bring about positive learning outcomes of students in the schools, in areas taught across the curriculum. Research outcomes from research under this theme may inform teaching and learning practices in MOE schools. This research thrust also includes research into the use and impact of blended and online learning in all sectors of education.
Values in education
This relates to research which investigates the extent to which Asian values influence the development of education, and how these values are integrated and promoted in educational practices. Research in this area is particularly important in fostering and maintaining cultural integrity in Brunei through practices in education.
Other areas of research interest
These research thrusts do not, however, exclude research being undertaken in other areas related to education, and SHBIE members have conducted and are conducting research in a wide range of topics. Some recent examples are:
- Secondary school learners’ perceptions of classroom work
- Conceptual Understanding Procedures in teaching Science
- Teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge
- Lesson Study
- Workplace learning in teacher education
- STEM Learning for Sustainable Development Education
- Citizenship education and awareness of ‘ASEANess’
- Adolescents’ emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Moral education
- Teaching of critical thinking skills
- Innovative inter-disciplinary curriculum and assessment
- See SHBIE Research News (Issues 1, 2 and 3, 2020) are available on this website.
- See staff profiles for details of staff research interests.
- SHBIE invites scholars to apply to undertake research in Education, either for a PhD in Education, a Masters of Education (by research or by coursework) or Post Doctoral work.
Scholarships and Fellowships available at SHBIE
UBD Postdoctoral Fellow Scheme (PDF) at SHBIE

UBD Graduate Research Scholarship (UGRS)
The UBD Graduate Research Scholarship (UGRS) is a competitive scheme awarded to quality PhD students with a strong desire to work in an international and competitive research-intensive environment. UBD is committed to opening doors to the brightest students to work among and network with our researchers to enrich their experience and equip them with the skills to maximize their talents.
Online application can be made at: UGRS application webpage
UGRS flyer